Happy new Year with IBM's Five in Five

Giving a glimpse of the next Five years (2011-2015) in IBM Style, here is a video which shares with the world, what IBM thinks the future will look like. In all probability, IBM may be working on the same lines. Here are the IBM's Five areas which will see innovations in the next five years:

1) You'll meet with your friends in 3-D(Hologram with Speaker, phone, tablet, cellphone)

2) Batteries will breathe air to power our devices (people using mobile devices)

3) Computers will help energize your city (Data center, servers, chip animation, city scenes)

4) Your commute will be personalized (Traffic shots, rail)

5) You won't need to be a scientist to save the planet (water, data collection screens)

it is safe to bet on the above five for the next five years, as efforts in each are already visible -- Apple is working on realistic 3D hologram imagery, work is on extending battery lives and making them charge fast, with focus on all battery aspects, a Silicon Valley start-up has already landed a contract to conserve electricity for Dubai Electricity Authority; Pod taxis are always under testing; and an iPhone app to crowd-source data on water quality in US is already out.

It takes imagination only to guess what can be achieved in next Five years.

Happy New Year 2011 ! --------

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