How to choose a Facebook Niche for your Social marketing project

Yesterday, we published a write-up on Facebook Demographics India 2011. In response to the said write-up a couple of readers, asked us via email, one question: Is it necessary to focus on the most dominant demographics or age groups (those age groups which have largest number of users in a social network), while planning one's social marketing plan?

The answer to this question is: No.

Social marketing is very different from search marketing. While in search marketing; a marketer has to ensure that for any particular search term or phrase, his/her product or service link appears in the first page of Google OR more appropriately in the top five search results; social marketing Or selling product/service on Facebook requires finding what people are discussing on their friend's networks, joined Pages and groups; And sharing with these people right products that they are talking about. This indirectly means, even if you choose a very small niche on Facebook; you can sell your product/service well; if you pointedly know the group of Facebook users who are discussing products in that niche; and focus all your marketing effort, Facebook ads, networking on these users.

For more on Facebook marketing, try using this product.

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