Women on Facebook more likely Unfriend than Men: Study

Those who live the adage, ‘Never trust a Woman’, can dance; as they can now share one more Act of Venus deception. Though others with no such pre-occupation, can use this info in their lives; especially when they happen to be online marketers and bloggers.

According to a study by the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project -- Women are more likely than men to delete friends from their online social networks like Facebook, Orkut; and tend to choose more restrictive privacy settings.

Shedding some light on why women on social networks are prone to such a behavior; the study found that men were nearly twice as likely as women to have posted content online (updates, comments, photos or videos) that they later regret.

Other key findings of the Study:

1) 66 percent of all social network users have deleted people from their friend lists, up from 56 percent in 2009.

2) 67 percent of women who maintain a social networking profile said they have deleted friends compared with 58 percent of men.

3) Giving importance to their privacy, 58 percent of social network users set their profile to private so that only friends can see it. A study last year said that people keep visiting their real Life friends’ Facebook profiles, to check “is his/her garden greener”.

4) 19 percent allow friends of friends to view their profile and 20 percent keep their profile public.

5) Women are significantly more likely than men -- by a 67 percent to 48 percent margin -- to set their profile to private.

6) Facebook may be working on its Privacy, by making it more user friendly, but ss for the ease of using privacy controls, those surveyed were evenly divided. 48 percent said they have some difficulty with privacy controls while 49 percent said they did not experience any difficulty.

7) 11 percent of social network users say they have posted content they regret. Among genders, 15 percent of men have such a regret; contrary to just eight percent of women.

8) In 2011, Ninety-three percent of social network users said they have a profile on Facebook. This is a 27 percent growth compared to 2009, when it was 73 percent.

9) MySpace may have changed owners. But the popularity of rival Myspace continues to decline. Twenty-three percent of social network users said they have a Myspace profile, down from 48 percent in 2009. A 52 percent decline compared to 2009.

10) Just 6 percent of social network users said they had a presence on Twitter in 2009, 11 percent are now using the short-messaging service. I have increasingly observed that Twitter is for marketers or for those small number of Twitter users, who have realized that the real values of Twitter lies in connecting with people.

NOTE: The survey of 2,277 adults was conducted in April and May of last year and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.4 percentage points. --------

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