In Wagner’s estimation, all the three platforms have opened up huge opportunities for low budget/indie game production especially; hence the book. The book which helps developers turn their passion for games into a full-time profession and thriving business.
In addition to the things mentioned above, the book also includes expert advice and insights from many successful designers, including some developers you'll recognize from their work in Second Life.
Wagner has invited SL game developers interested in expanding or exporting their game to the Web, iOS, or Facebook. They can get in touch with him at wjamesau at well dot com. He has extensive plans for these guys.
If you peoreder the book now, then you are eligible for a big discount in price. Those who are buying it from Wiley, the book's publisher, can get a pre-order discount of 40%: All they have to do is buy the print version and Enter “GDS12” at checkout. Offer available through 8/31/12.
The Author has invited developers to contact him. --------
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