Decoding Social Media- Apps For Facebook Page Timeline II

Apart from customizing your profile pictures and Timeline cover picture, the second most important change that you can make to your Facebook page is creating dedicated tabs.

The usual Facebook page contains Info, Photos, Videos, Links and Events tab. What if you could add more tabs according to your wish and interest? With the emergence of Facebook as a tool to communicate by businesses all over the globe, this puzzle was solved as soon as it was put forth.

Hence, we have sites and apps that work for making custom tabs for your Facebook page.
An average Facebook page lands on wall or info tab by default. the good point is that you can create a custom Facebook Welcome Tab to extend warm greetings to your visitors. you can also create a few more tabs for the  page. a few ideas for custom tabs are:

1. Welcome Tab or the landing site for the page visitor
2. A contest page for a promotion or contest ongoing at the moment.
3. A 'Contact Us' or 'Careers' tab for people who want to closely relate to your organization in real life.
4. A 'Shopping' tab, if you are a selling consumer products. For services, there can be an 'Explore Our Services' tab that will get all the necessary information for your direct consumers.

There is good bunch of iFrame applications available for Facebook pages. You can chose to adopt a tab available on the net or may go into an adventurous trip to making your own application for Facebook.

Developing your own App- Developing your own application is the best idea if you are familiar with the working of the developer tools. You just have to choose a name for your app, add an image and content and when finished you get an all new application to work as a new page tab. Check out the tools and resources here

Chose from third party applications- This is an option that saves you a lot of time and homework. If you chose this option, a simple sign in process will instantly give you a new tab tailor made for your requirement. It includes all the content that you need, complete with pictures and other multimedia.

The most used app in this regard is Pagemodo. Its interface is good, simple and easy to use. It is most frequently used for making the Welcome Tab on Facebook. The designs are good and it doesn't even take much time. Find Pagemodo here

Apart from this, a few more popular apps are listed below with their most popular features:

Wildfire- Known mostly for the contest apps, it is a simple and free app. Find the app here

Involver- They call it Static HTML and multiple tabs are supported in a single page. Installing takes only a few clicks. Find the app here

TabSite- it allows you to make sub-tabs under main tabs. So, a Contest tab may run three different sub tabs.
Find the app here

iwipia- its good for users who are not very familiar with HTML coding. It is free to use. Find the app here

Now we complete the trip for the essential Facebook Apps. next, we talk about monitoring your reach through Facebook.


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