There are lots of free Twitter apps for Android but there is
only one that can be truly called as the ‘best Twitter app for Android’ and it
is best known as TweetCaster. Here are some of features of the app that you cannot
even find on the official Twitter for mobile application.
Brilliant User Interface
The app features a rich combination of colors. Its interface
isn’t packed with icons but you can easily find the icon that you need for a
certain action. Aside from the Sign In button on the top left corner of the
app, you can easily find the command buttons for Trends, Who to Follow, Search
and Nearby, a feature that will load the tweets from the people who are nearest
to your location. This particular feature is quite useful especially when you
are tweeting from a certain event such as parties and concerts.
Multiple Twitter Accounts
With TweetCaster, you can load not one but two or more
Twitter accounts. This comes very handy for users with multiple Twitter
accounts. Whatever your purpose is, you can easily tweet from one Twitter
account to another without the need to log-in and log-out.
Schedule Tweets
Along with the ability to manage your multiple Twitter
accounts, you can also make use of the TweetCaster for Android app to schedule
your tweets and have them posted on a later date or hour. This particular
feature would come very handy especially to those who don’t have enough time to
tweet but would like to keep a steady pace of activity on their Twitter
profiles. Such method has been considered as one of the most effective ways to
increase the number of your Twitter followers.
Awesome Themes
Now this is a very rare feature that you cannot easily get
from other Twitter apps. Even so, TweetCaster has a variety of themes that you
can use to customize the appearance of your app. So if you’re the type who
would like to stand out from the crowd, you’ll definitely be able to do so with
Fast and Almost Zero Lags
Admit it. Most of the Twitter apps that you can find at the
Google PLAY Store would occasionally crash. Well, it’s different with
TweetCaster. You can refresh your timeline and view the new tweets in just a
matter of seconds. Plus, the app appears to be almost free from glitches and
There’s no doubt that the TweetCaster for Twitter app
receives a lot of positive ratings from its users. It’s free and is packed with
lots of splendid features. It is truly the best Twitter app for Android tablets
and smartphones!
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