Social Media and Social Responsibility

Social Media has become phenomenal. It has entered in every field whether it is medicine, entertainment or healthcare. Now we are not only conversing with our friends, but the whole world has become unison.

Obviously with great power there comes great responsibility. We all know this tool is a boon to small business professionals, but the essential way is how we market our products. Here are the best ways to market your products.

Social Media is a revolutionary tool that should only be used for the welfare of individuals, business and community as a whole.

Be cautious of what you comment- Commenting in a cautious way can pave way for success. If you have added something controversial or some public debate is going on. Let it be. Don’t argue back just to get attention from trolls, as it may result in disputes.

Google- Don’t make castles in the air; if you are unsure about anything Google it. For instance, someone on the facebook recently added that legendary wrestler Dara Singh was dead, but at that time he was in coma. One of my friends shared the post and she received the comment he is still in coma. To prevent these things to happen to you, it is necessary that you Google out the information.

Be in limits- When posting updates or adding stories be in limit don’t cross it. Ensure that you test out all your potential updates. Maybe your prospective employers are going to view the same.


Hope with this advice you’ll be able to save yourself from controversies and hullabalo.

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