Price slashes fuel Apple iPad 5, iPad Mini 2 launch Date

Rumor mills normally rely on pictures, sources and other hints to guess the advent of the next iteration of a popular gadget. There's one other way to guess the launch of an anticipated tech gadget -- The Price slashes of the existing or predecessor version.

The latest buzz regarding the Apple iPad 5 and iPad Mini release date, is being fueled by this second way.

According to some rumors the Apple iPad 5 and next iPad Mini will launch by September. The support to this rumor is lent by recent price reductions by some retailers who stock the iPads.

According to a report, just last week Walmart slashed the price of current iPad models by about $30 (from $329 down to $299), supporting the speculation that the newer models are on the way. Some other reports are saying that Walmart is not restocking its already depleting stock of various models of the device.

Price reductions on the existing stocks of iPad and iPad Mini is a good indication that the next iteration of these devices , Apple iPad 5 and Apple iPad Mini 2, are getting launched soon. Earlier Apple used to dump its existing devices to third world countries, and make space for its new versions. But now, things have changed, as many of these countries are seeing launches more or less simultaneously with the US. --------

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