Reach of Social media sites and the Question of Privacy

If you started using web or internet in 2010 and later; then there are high chances that the motivation to be online was either having access to some important piece of information, the lure of one of the top social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Orkut etc.), or online shopping. The motivations in that particular order.

The lure of social networking is real. According to recent data -- More than 70 percent of adults who go online use a social networking site of some kind.

The popularity of social networking sites is so great that (thanks to the mainstream media picking the news worthy stories from the Social media and the celebrities & politicians making statements, washing their dirty linen, taking on opponents on Social media sites like Twitter and Facebook)  even the experts have forgot that Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites are still evolving. And no one knows how the current usage will pan out in future. Especially the areas like privacy.

According to a Pew Research Internet Privacy survey 2013,

21 percent of Internet users have had an email or social networking account compromised. 12 percent have been stalked or harassed online and 11 percent have had important personal information stolen, such as their Social Security number, credit card or bank account information.

How do you see your own usage habits and behaviour on Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter etc?

Do you think before sharing anything online?

What does online privacy mean to you?

Does online Privacy to you mean not using your credit card or debit card online?

Are you so afraid of disclosing information online that you don't even share your bank account number online ( while you don't think twice before printing that account number on a pamphlet or tell to others in real life)?

Do you pay attention to the Dos and Donts of online safety?

Are you confident that the way you use social networks or Web is enough to protect privacy online? --------

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