New Donald Trump Blocker App a Trump Card for Trump Haters!

This reminds me of Smash the iPod concept, whose owner bought every new Apple device just to smash it to pieces, the moment it lands on his hand. And record the whole smashing act as a video and share it publicly on YouTube.

The concept tells us, there are certain brands or people, which we either love unfailingly; or loathe with envious zeal. There's not middle ground. Love it or Hate it.

The app developer Julio Castillo seems to have enough of Donald Trump. To the extent that he can't tolerate him anymore. Hence he has taken it upon himself to filter the Internet and give Trump haters some peace of mind.

The new 'Trump Trump' App Blocks Everything Related To The Donald From Your iPhone

It's very similar to the "K Blocker" from Castillo. it's a content-blocking extension for iOS 9 that thwarts all Kardashian-related content. You download the extension and the World is K-Free for you.

Castillo, is the co-founder of furtiv Ltd., an independent app development company.

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