celebrates one billion Firefox download milestone

By A Bisht

Firefox is close to reach the one billion download milestone. But while writing this post, when we checked; it has still some way to go. As the website, intended to mark to celebrate the milestone, is still showing "Coming soon” on its homepage. To keep a tab on the development, click here.

Firefox, an open-source browser, by Mozilla Foundation was launched in 2004.

The milestone includes downloads of all versions of the web browser since its release in 2004.

The figure in the milstone includes the following:
--all versions of Firefox released since 2004
--single users downloading multiple copies of the Firefox for different PCs
--anyone manually updating their Firefox to the latest version (automatic updates download not included)

The current global browser standings are as under:

Microsoft's Internet Explorer________________ 60%

Firefox _________________________________ 31%

Google's Chrome, Apple's Safari and Opera ____less than 5% --------