Listen filmmakers and writers ! Just launched Amazon Studios is For You

No one would have imagined such a picture for internet businesses five years ago; where every one is poking its nose in the other’s house. Facebook, primarily a social network, has launched an email service; while Google and Yahoo are trying desperately to be considered as a Social Network. AOL basically a content provider (both original and User Generated one) trying to get a leeway into the deals market. Things are so mixed up here.

Latest entity to move out of its sphere of expertise is Ecommerce Behemoth — Amazon -- the 15-year-old Seattle-based Web business is entering into what else -- Movie Business. And that too powered primarily by its users or people using the Web.

Under a new first-look deal or more correctly ‘First Right To Say No’ with Warner Bros., has launched Amazon Studios, a user-generated online development and production outfit built around monthly contests and community feedback. The end result, if all goes as planned, will be feature films derived from the best user submissions that Amazon Studios produces for theatrical release.

How Amazon Studios will work:

Based on User Generated Content Model; that is going to feed the studio's development, filmmakers and writers around the world are invited to upload feature-length films and screenplays to the site, which triggers an 18-month option on the material. The submission or uploading of content has begun right after Amazon made the Studio Launch announcement; so one can upload videos even now).

Rules and Rewards:

1) Each month starting in January, based on community feedback, two scripts and one test film will be designated the best of the bunch and awarded cash grants — $20,000 for each screenplay and $100,000 for the film.

2) At the end of each year (first turn will come January 2012), one screenplay and one film submitted by Dec. 31, 2011, will be chosen as the annual winners. That script will nab a $100,000 prize and the film a $1 million prize.

3) The Entries adjudged the annual winners will be forwarded By Amazon to be made to a movie (that releases commercially). Warner Bros., with who Amazon signed the First-Look deal, will get the “First Right To Say No”. A No from Warner Bros, frees Amazon to search for some other movie production company. Here, the content maker gets an option too; Extensions of the material's option, should the writer or filmmaker wish to continue with Amazon Studios, would merit another $10,000.

4) Upon the release of a finished film from Amazon Studios, the filmmaker or screenwriter who originated the project will receive a rights payment of $200,000. If the film grosses more than $60 million domestically, a $400,000 bonus will be triggered.

As with other user-contributed book reviews and other interactive elements of the Amazon’s E-Commerce site model, Amazon will encourage participants to download the raw material uploaded and submit their own revised or advanced versions.

If all goes as intended and hoped for, while Amazon can get another profit model; this is a welcome playground for aspiring and budding Filmmakers world-wide (If they work smartly). Amateurs can try their hand too. --------

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