BlackBerry overtakes Apple in Mobile internet usage in US in November 2010

BlackBerry OS overtook Apple's iOS for the first time in the US in November in terms of mobile internet usage according to web analytics company, StatCounter.

StatCounter Global Stats , statcounter’s research arm, for the first time in the US, found BlackBerry OS at 34.3% overtake Apple's iOS which recorded 33% in November.

Google's Android Gaining Market Share

In third position came Google’s Android. Google's Android is rapidly gaining and has almost tripled internet market share from 8.2% last November to 23.8% this year.

Apple's iOS has fallen from 51.9% to 33% over the same period.

Microsoft’s new Windows Phone 7 was not yet registering significantly in terms of internet usage in November.

Global picture:

BlackBerry's US lead is not replicated in terms of worldwide share. Globally Symbian OS leads with 31.9% followed by iOS (21.9%), BlackBerry OS (19.3%) and Android (11.6%). --------

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