Top 10 Ways people use to access Twitter

What are the top ways people use Twitter?

Following are the top ten applications people have used to access Twitter in the last 30 days (according to Twitter’s own data). The list is based on number of unique users. That is, out of all the people who logged into their Twitter account during the month, what percentage did so via each service. (The total is more than 100% because people often use more than one app) :

Top 10 Twitter Apps by unique Users:

twitter.com_____________________78 percent

m.twitter.com____________________14 percent

SMS___________________________8 percent

Twitter for iPhone________________8 percent

Twitter for Blackberry_____________7 percent

TwitPic_________________________4 percent

TweetDeck______________________3 percent

Echofon_________________________3 percent

Google Friend Connect_____________2 percent

UberTwitter______________________2 percent --------

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