Twitter rolls out 10 most powerful tweets of 2010

Just acknowledging the fact that:

“Twitter staffers faced an uphill task of sorting through 25 billion tweets to bring to the world ten most powerful 140 character musings of 2010. That include Fake BP PR to the White House to Coco”

and not cribbing too much about the choice itself; Lets look at Twitter’s 10 most powerful tweets of 2010:

Here they are:

1. Ann Curry: "@usairforce find a way to let Doctors without Borders planes land in Haiti: http :// THE most effective at this."

2. The White House: "Welcome to @twitter President Medvedev! RT @KremlinRussia_E: Hello everyone! I'm on Twitter, and this is my first tweet."

3. Cyclist Leigh Fazzina: "I've had a serious injury and NEED Help! Can somone please call Winding Trails in Farmington, CT tell them I'm stuck bike crash in woods."

4. BPGlobalPR(Fake BP PR account): "Catastrophe is a strong word, let's all agree to call it a whoopsie daisy."

5. Ecuador's President Rafael Correa "Gobierno declara estado de Excepción #Ecuador #30S"

6. Clarence House, the office of the Prince of Wales: "The Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince William to Miss Catherine Middleton - www"

7. Sun's CEO Jonathan Schwartz: "Today's my last day at Sun. I'll miss it. Seems only fitting to end on a #haiku. Financial crisis/Stalled too many customers/CEO no more"

8. Idaho congressman John Foster: "Congratulations to Raul Labrador on a hard-earned win, and best of luck as Idaho's next Congressman."

9. Spanish soccer star Carles Puyol: "Gran ambiente en la rua!!orgulloso de ver a tanta gente feliz. http ://"

10. Conan O'Brien aka Coco: "Hey Internet: I'm headed to your town on a half-assed comedy & music tour. Go to http :// for tix. I repeat: It's half-assed."

Whether the top ten made an impact on world or Twitterverse is for you to decide.

Tech24Hours' View: The list looks quite balanced. A person can argue that most of the tweets are reflecting particular regions of the world; But if sensibilities of people are not restricted by geographic borders then the tweets are worthy of being in top ten. Right from first tweet to last: the list celebrates: People reaching out for fellow humans thousands mile apart, like in Haiti Tweet; A life saving rescue, the triathlon athlete tweet; mobilizing people for a win, like in US middle term election tweet; A powerful man reaching out for another power man, for an open world, in White House Tweet; A CEO, acknowledging the hard ships people faced in downturn and making him one among them, the Sun's CEO Jonathan Schwartz tweet; A breaking news about people which the world envies and looks awestruck at the same time, Engagement of Prince Williams Tweet; and so on. --------

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