Remember the Stanford Study which reported that Facebook users tend to see their Friends’ Life better than theirs; and guided by the feeling that ‘A neighbor’s pasture always appears greener’ they spend considerable time on Facebook at eavesdropping on their friends’ on Facebook to know how exactly their life is going. Many experts call this Facebook Depression.
Now Pediatricians are cautioning parents of ‘Facebook using kids’ of a similar depression among kids.
According to Dr. Gwenn O’Keefe, the lead author of new social media guidelines for The American Academy of Pediatrics – the reasons for this Facebook Depression among ‘Facebook using children’ entails from the same pressures adults experience when on Facebook.
According to the study, the factors like Friend count, status updates, and photos of happy looking pals having a good time have the potential to influence a child’s behavior, similar to the way it affects adults (in many cases more than it affects adults) and may be harmful to teens who may already be battling psychological issues like depression.
Although Facebook, prohibits its use to children below 13, many kids under 13, are using the service with fake profiles, something parents need to look at, advices the study. In addition, another thing which the study cautions parents about, is their kid spending too much time on reading the news feed, uploading pictures and updating his/her status. This particular behavior makes the kid more prone to Facebook Depression.
Kids prone to Facebook Depression just like adults
Kids prone to Facebook Depression just like adults
Anil Singh
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Facebook Depression
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