A $22 computer for Less privileged children in UK

It appears that India’s $30 PC has set the motivation for low cost computers, which are hoped to revolutionize the education sector.

Making such low cost computers even more affordable, London-based charity Raspberry Pi Foundation has announced the launch of a low-cost computer to promote the study of computer sciences among less fortunate children and to provide them greater access to technology both at home and at school.. The foundation plans to retail the device at approximately $22, or ₤15 or around INR 1000.

The device will have a 128 megabyte (MB) of SDRAM and utilizes open software platforms Ubuntu (Linux), Iceweasel, KOffice and Python. According to the device creator, David Braben, the low cost device is a computer on a USB stick. The device has got HDMI at one end, USB at the other end, and thus a kid can plug it into an HDMI TV and plug in a USB keyboard to use it for programming.

The foundation plans to roll out the cheap computer within the next 12 months. --------

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