4 out of 10 photos uploaded to Twitter come from iOS devices

If you remember, Twitter CEO last month said how the twitter integration in iOS5 helped Twitter increase its new user signups three folds.

It appears, Apple benefited from ist association with Twitter as well.

According to Apple Insider, courtesy a study released yesterday:

1) Apple's handheld devices now account for more than 39% of the photos(2 out of 5 tweeted photos) being posted on Twitter's social networking service, with Twitter-integrated built-in apps helping iOS 5 become one of its top 10 sharing clients. Apple's own Photo and Camera apps in iOS 5 already account for 5 percent of all photo uploads to Twitter, making it the seventh largest client on the network.

The iOS's share was comprised of a combination of Twitter's iPhone app, Instagram and iOS 5's built-in Photo and Camera apps.

NOTE: The study analyzed over 24 million Twitter photos posted during the week of Oct. 22.

The study notes that the actual percentage of photos uploaded to the micro-blogging service from Apple devices could be much higher ( as posts from the web or multi-platform apps like Tweetdeck and Echofon may also have come from iOS).

App wise break-up of photos posted on Twitter:

Twitter's official iPhone app______ 21 percent

iOS-only Instagram app__________13 percent

Twitter's BlackBerry app________12 percent

Twitter client for Android_________10 percent

Web posts______________17 percent (This will have share of Apple hand held devices too) --------

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