Facebook twice as effective over LinkedIn for getting you a Job

If you are in two minds about: the relative effectiveness of LinkedIn and Facebook in landing you a job; then you should choose Facebook of the two. Even Twitter performed better than LinkedIn in helping users get hired, revealed the study.

According to a recent survey of approximately 1,200 adults in US conducted by recruiting software company JobVite,

Facebook is the dominant platform for searching job listings and finding employment.

Findings of the survey:

1) More than hald of all job seekers used at least one social network to search for a new job.

2) Facebook came out as a clear winner for proactive and active job seekers. Over 18 million Americans credited Facebook for getting hired. When JobVite asked only the people that successfully used a social network to find a job, about 78 percent stated that Facebook led to landing their most current job while only 40 percent gave LinkedIn that credit.

Proactive job seekers: Proactive job seekers are described as those employed, but open to a new job.

Active job seekers: Active job seekers are described as employed or unemployed, but actively looking for a job.

3) Even Twitter ranked higher than LinkedIn at 42 percent.

4) Those Facebook and LinkedIn users who have more than 150 contacts on any social network are defined as “Super Social” job seekers by the study.

5) When JobVite asked the Super Socials to credit the social network which helped them land a job with better prospects; then 85 percent credited Facebook. Regarding job referrals, 42 percent of respondents credited Facebook with quality referrals, 34 percent choose Twitter and 25 percent picked LinkedIn.

6) Between the Two the Proactive job seekers and the Active Job Seekers; the survey found that Proactive Job seekers are typically in a better position to find a new job than active job seekers.

As the Proactive Job Seekers, who took more attention to social networks and updated profiles more frequently, got more job referrals, making new professional connections and sharing job opportunities with a contact on a social network.

7) Putting some light on the demography of a typical job seeker on Facebook; JobVite finds that: Specific to Facebook job seekers, 64 percent are under 40 years old, 56 percent are male, 42 percent are college graduates and 36 percent earn a yearly salary of more than $75,000. In addition, 37 percent of Facebook users are identified as Super Social and have more than 150 professional contacts on social networks.

Using Social networks to better one’s prospects of landing a new or better job may be new to many countries outside US. But the study, once again underlines the effectiveness of social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter in getting people work. It may look odd to some, how; many Facebook and LinkedIn users increase their contacts by sending Friend Requests. But as the study says if done with attention, that’s adding right kind of people to one’s network, people who can help one in his/her career; then working on expanding one’s contact or Friend List actually pays dividends. --------

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