One Atom Thick Graphene -- How thick is it? Take out a piece of paper and draw a straight line on it with a pointed pencil. The line's thickness is Graphene.
With the availability of fresh water dwindling in many parts of the world, a problem that is expected to grow with populations; researrchers at MIT are looking at Seawater. The only promising source of potable water -- the world's virtually limitless supply of seawater. But so far desalination technology has been too expensive for widespread use.
Now, MIT researchers have come up with a new approach using a different kind of filtration material: sheets of graphene, a one-atom-thick form of the element carbon, which they say can be far more efficient and possibly less expensive than existing desalination systems.
One Atom thick Graphene is future of Water Desalination
One Atom thick Graphene is future of Water Desalination
Anil Singh
Monday, July 2, 2012
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