'Reach Metric For Facebook Page' Benefits, Often Go UnReaped

Facebook Pages are a good way to build your Brand or Blog reputation. One of the metrics on a Facebook page is Reach. Most of the Facebook page owners are not aware of this Reach intelligence; as it's activated on your Facebook page only when your Face gets at least 30 Likes. Since most Facebook pages fail to get that number of Likes; hence the owners are never able to see the importance of the 'Reach'.

What is Reach of a Facebook Page?

Reach is simply, the number of Facebook users your Facebook page reaches to either directly or indirectly. In other words, Reach is how far your Facebook page can make its presence felt, 'Friends of the Fans of Your Page are taken into account'. Reach is not some over blown intelligence, as the chances of 'Friends of a Friend' liking an update on our page are real.

Hence depending on the type of page and the quality of updates, A Facebook page with:

65 Fans can have a Reach of 19000 (people or Facebook users).
48 Fans can have a Reach of 15000.

330 Fans can have a Reach of 83000.

Yes, even going beyond 300 Likes on your Facebook page can give you that Big Reach.

Although, as per my research, there's not hard and fast rule governing 'how Facebook Page reach' will grow compared to Fans. But I have seen that pages of professionals  and information sites grow leaps and bounds.

So if you are ignoring your Facebook page; then just try to scale the likes to beyond 30 and you will instantly open new and elevated reach for your online efforts.


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