LeWeb founder Loic Le Meur tweets photos from his profile suing GlassTweet. GlassTweet is a third-party tool or app, created by his company, which enables Google Glass user to send tweets. Well using his Google Glass, Google's wearable computer.
Loic Le Meur has been testing out the GlassTweet app that offers users a rudimentary way to tweet photos. To make the world aware of the existence of such an app, the photographs Meur tweets using Glass Tweet accompany the hashtag "#throughglass."
GlassTweet App:
According to Le Meur, the GlassTweet is "very simple, and it's very limited. Basically, the user can take a picture by using voice command and Tweet it using GlassTweet (making a text tweet or message and sharing it, is obviously more difficult; considering the limited success overall with voice recognition (plenty of inaccuracy and miscommunication). That apart, the GlassTweet app offers multiple ways to share a photo. First is Google+ and second is Twitter.
GlassTweet may be a third party app. But according to some reports, Twitter is also making its own version of Twitter app for Google Glass. The reports were fueled by recent comments made by A-list venture capitalist John Doerr and some Tweets which some believe came through some Google Glass App for Twitter. Yes, this is some joke or gravity-less act (reminds one of extensive April Fool jokes Google rolls out every year). In short, Google Glass is being seen as having some potential.
That said, GlassTweet may be simple at present; but with time the world will demand video, audio and text tweets as well. Wearable Computer like Google Glass is a futuristic idea, but it has to surmount great challenges as human blinks and emotions most of the times are inaccurate.
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