Socialife News App Now Available for all Android smartphones

Japanese smartphone maker Sony, buoyed by the success of its Xperia range of devices; has now made available Socialife news app for other Android Smartphones. Earlier Sony's News app was available only on Xperia range of smartphones. However, in tablets the app is still exclusively available for the Xperia tablet.

Compatibility : Android devices running on 4.1 version or higher.

Sony Socialife News App downloads as of January 2014

According to Sony, the Socialife News App has crossed 10 million downloads. As of today the App has over 13 million downloads.

The app is available for download at Google Play Store.

What Sony Sociallife News App offers ?

The apps is an aggregator of news, Facebook posts, Tweets and YouTube videos for easy viewing, which can be seen all at one place. The app also offers news from affiliated news partners (250 news organizations). The user can also add a widget to the home screen. --------

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