How SMEs can increase their sales ?

By A Bisht

The answer is:        by having a Blog.

Why ?

A study conducted by Hubspot has revealed that businesses that have/use blogs do far better than those who have not.

To arrive at the conclusion Hubspot analysed 1531 0f its customers (mostly Small and medium enterprises or businesses).

Out of these, 795 of the businesses had blogs and 736 didn’t.

Insight:      Going by the above figures, 52 percent SMEs are found to be having a blog. Thus hubspot data makes for a 52 percent blog adoption rate of SMEs. Since Hubspot’s clients may be quite aware of the importance of Web 2.0 to the businesses, the 52 percent blog adoption rate would be much higher than the global average.

The study found that businesses that blog have:

 55% more visitors
 97% more inbound links
 434% more indexed pages

compared to the ones that don’t blog.

Simplifying the above stats:

If a business that doesn’t blog (about its products and services) has 100 visitors then going by the above stats, a business having a blog will have

 155 visitors
 197 inbound links
 534 indexed pages

If more visitors to a blog mean more sales then it’s self evident that SMEs/businesses that blog will fare better than those who don’t.

Some Explanations:

 Blog/Website visitors:       Those people who visit a blog/website. The more people see a blog, more is likelihood of a sale.

 Inbound links:      An inbound link is your (likely to be your url) link that is found in different locations in the web. It may be on other people’s blogs, directories etc. Inbound links help people reach to your blog. In addition, they help you get more visitors to your blog. How ? … The modern day search engines like Google, yahoo, bing treat an inbound link as a vote people cast for your link. The search engines count these votes (inbound links) to find the popularity of your link, and accordingly accord a rank to your link. This rank signifies the authority one hold on the web. A higher number of inbound links makes for a higher authority. A higher authority means better (most reachable) position in the search results. Increasing one’s chances of getting found in those search engines.

 Indexed pages:    When a query is made to a search engine, it looks for those links that resemble closely to the query made; the more indexed pages your blog has, the more are the chances of a search engine returning your pages in the search result. --------