Top online engagements for a Hong kong internet user for August 2009

By A Bisht

In April this year, when we did a post, titled “What Singaporeans do most when online?” I had some clue, about the most time consuming online activity for an average Singaporean internet user. The activity which gets a Singaporean engaged for the highest time is instant messaging (IM). See the post to know why.

So when recently comScore released its first ever report on Web usage in Hong Kong, I had some idea, regarding the activity which captures the largest share of visitors minutes. Yes you too have the fair idea, as for Singaporeans, it is Instant messaging for the Hong Kong net users too. One reason can be the regional and cultural proximity between Hong Kong and Singapore.

Hong Kong Internet Users Spend Twice as Much Time on Instant Messengers as Counterparts in Asia-Pacific Region. Time spent on IMs accounts for nearly 16 percent of the time spent online. So if a Hong Kong internet user spends one hour online; he spends 10 minutes on IMs.

In addition, an average Hong Kong Internet user spends more than 25 hours online per month. making it one of the most engaged Internet markets globally. Although a smaller Internet market in Asia, its highly engaged and affluent audience makes it especially valuable to advertisers and publishers.

Activities and the time they account for in a Hong Kong user’s one hour online presence:

Activity_________________________time spent in Minutes

Instant Messaging ________________ 9.54 or 10 mins approx.
Entertainment____________________ 6.42
Social Networking_________________ 4.62
Business Finance___________________2.76
e mail____________________________ 2.58
Search/Navigation_______________ 1.62
News/Information________________ 1.2
Technology_____________________ 1.14

Just for comparison, an average internet user in Asia pacific spends his/her one hour online as below:

Activity________________________time spent in Minutes

Instant Messaging ________ 4.98 ____________Half of Hong Kong time
Entertainment___________ 6.24__________________ Nearly same
Social Networking_________ 4.92_________________Nearly same
Games_____________________ 2.1______Lower than Hong Kong time
Business Finance__________ 1.14________Lower than Hong Kong time
e mail_____________________2.52______________Nearly same
Search/Navigation__________2.64__________Higher than Hong Kong time
News/Information___________1.68___________________ Slightly higher
Technology_________________ .42 ______Lower than Hong Kong time
Other______________________33.36 --------

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