Total wireless subscribers in India by 2013

By A Bisht

According to combined estimates of Research & Markets and IE Market Research Corp. the total wireless subscribers in India will reach 876.6 million or 87.66 crore in 2013 with Bharti Airtel's market share increasing to 27.4%.

More insights from the above study:

--Wireless subscriber growth in India continues to be one of the fastest in the world

-- +50.1% industry-average subscriber growth in First quarter of 2009 (Q1 2009)

--ARPU (Average Revenue Per user) levels continue to fall at an increasing rate.

-- Negative industry average ARPU growth (-19.7%) in First quarter of 2009 (Q1 2009)

-- In the latest quarter Minutes of Use per Subscriber declined across operators.

-- -8.6% industry average MOU/Sub growth in First quarter of 2009 (Q1 2009)

So when companies say it’s becoming increasingly difficult to do business under the present conditions, they are indeed speaking some truth. --------