Blekko – A new Recommendation engine Hits Search Horizon

We have seen many recommendation engines in recent times. Another new Internet search engine called Blekko has hit the search horizon this week. Relying on recommendations from other users, Blekko is designed to filter out poor quality and irrelevant websites, which the Blekko founders claim have overrun or cluttered the web and dominate search engine results.

To unclutter the web of irrelevant websites, Blekko uses humans to pre-select the most useful sites on key topics and then limit searches to those alone (a method most easy and most difficult at the same time).

The new engine will specially target, 'content farm' websites, which are manufactured to score highly on searches but have little real information to make the web more useful. In addition, the engine also aims to weed out pornography and spam.

How Blekko executes its goal:

A search such as “Global pollution” renders results as usual (like normal search engines). But on using ‘slashtags’ (a distinguishing feature), or different words separated by a slash – like a search ‘Global pollution / eco’ would render only those results that have websites or content that have to do with Eco-friendly groups or issues.

In the same way a search “Pamela anderson /noporn’ would avoid any pornographic websites associated with the BayWatch Star.

To bring in the recommendation perspective to the search engine and to weed out the spam ; Blekko has placed a small button marked ‘spam’ (Next to every single search result) which allows the searcher to tag any search result or website as spam and remove it from his/her searches forever. --------

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