An electronic tongue, you will allow to lick your wine

If this group of scientists is able to refine their creation to reach the wine market, then many wine tasters and sommeliers will lose their jobs.

A long study by a team of researchers at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, has made them develop an electronic tongue that has the capability of identifying range of cava wines(Spanish Sparkling Wines - Spanish Champagne). As of now, the device can identify three types of cava wines: Brut, Brut Nature and Medium-Dry.

The scientists are confident that their creation will be able to track all types of wines available on the market with the support of proper training.

How the electronic tongue works:

The researchers identified different cava samples using voltammetric measurements. The system is told to have tracked the composition on the basis of the amount of sugar added to the wine. The team collaborated the above chemical measurements treated with advanced mathematical procedures [( principal component analysis (PCA) discrete wavelet transform (DWT), and artificial neural network (ANN)], to track the human taste system and henceforth, it could differentiate between various types of cava.

So are the humanoid Wine tasters and sommeliers Losing their jobs any time soon? No. It’s hard to be a human. --------

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