Strategies to build Twitter followers: There are a Few

What are the Strategies to build Twitter followers? To tell you, although there’s no short cut building followers, which you can rely on for your growth, but still there are a few ones which you can use until you reach your ultimate mix of “How to grow your Twitter followers ” strategies:

1) One strategy, you should be using each day, is share great content relevant to your followers and conforming to your field of interest (which will be the category of your business or the subject of your expertise). The idea is to connect with right people. This also means, every time someone retweets your tweets, you thank him/her in a personal but professional manner. If someone, shots a question to you, make sure you answer that question; again in a personal but professional manner. Disagreements targeted at you, should be taken care of judiciously and professionally.

2) Another strategy you should be doing each day is retweeting other people's interesting tweets. The more you share with people, the more they will engage with you and the more are likely to reciprocate – by retweeting your tweets and interacting with you. Remember Twitter helps you, when you help the people who follow you.

3) Another strategy you should be using, WHENEVER OPPORTUNITY COMES, is take part in #tag discussions or events taking place on Twitter, related to your business or career. For instance, if you are an architect, you can take part in some ongoing Twitter discussion, say #bestnewyorkbuildings. All you have to do is just say anything which adds value to the discussion and place #bestnewyorkbuildings at the end or beginning of that message.

4) You can use applications like Twiends to grow you followers on Twitter. The apps work this way: You follow members on Twiends and receive coins or Seeds for following. When others follow you on Twiend, you spend the seeds to reward them. If you remain relevant with your tweets, then you can benefit greatly for Twiends like Apps as well.

The key to Twitter marketing is treating ‘Twitter like a real world’ – where initially people are stranger to each other, then they get attracted to each other by their persona (tweets are akin to personality on Twitter ), and pretty soon they either become friends or acquaintances. If you know, how to interact with a friend and an acquaintance, then you know how to interact with different kinds of followers on Twitter. This basic understanding will help you once your followers on Twitter swell to an unmanageable level.

Last but not the least; since Twitter is “People connecting and interacting with each other personally”, hence using “Personal Branding” (using one’s name as Twitter handle) is good way to grow one’s influence on Twitter. @AskAaronLee is a good example of this.


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