The Secret World Preorder now available

With the launch date fast approaching, The Secret World preorder is now available. If you preorder The Secret World now, then you get a few things as a reward: 1) Access to every Beta weekend. 2) Early access, up to four days head start before the game’s the release. 3) An experience-boosting item and unique in-game shirt. 4) Will get an in-game pet and early access to character name creation.

  About the Game:

The Secret World
publisher: Electronic Arts
EAN: 0014633197020
sales rank: 89
price: $49.99 (new)

Dark days are coming. All the myths, legends and conspiracies of the world are true. Three secret societies - the Illumunati, the Templar and the Dragon - are recruiting thousands of civilians from all over the world, civilians with extraordinary powers embedded in their DNA, to aid them in the war against darkness...and each other. The Secret World is a next-generation massively multiplayer online (MMO) role-playing game developed by Funcom and co-published by Electronic Arts.


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