Facebook Highlight launched: Facebook's New Pay-to-Promote Posts Feature

We wrote about how Facebook is testing its new Pay-to-Promote Posts Feature (a system called Highlight that would allow people to pay to promote a post) in New Zealand.

Now some reports on web are confirming the new feature.

UberGizmo, reports that a music blogger was prompted to try the new feature. The said blogger was posting a track by Holy Balm when he was presented with the said prompt -- asking him if he wanted to pay as much as $100 so that just one post, one song, could reach an estimated 39,000 people. 37,000 people already Like Gorilla vs. Bear on Facebook.

So as a common Facebook user ready to see more Highlight (ed) content from your Facebook friends.

It appears that, when it comes to revenue, Facebook is doing simple arithmetic. Like if even the minuscule number of 900 million plus Facebook users pay it to promote a link, then it will make some cash.

But the question still remains "Some cash", not the amount which justifies the valuation Facebook is trying to get. I think Facebook should come clean of its earning potential; as that way it could focus on working towards credits and applications; and allow the world appreciate the virtue in its new features (Pay-to-Promote Posts Feature can be great in effectiveness as well). Right now, how much the world tries to calculate Facebook's worth, can never justify even a $20 billion valuation. In short valuation is putting undue pressure on the Facebook and its CEO.

That apart, will the Facebook users like promoted content by friends in their Facebook timeline, is an important question.


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