The Nokia Lumia 521 has been launched in US. The phone is a lower-priced smartphone. A low priced smartphone having Microsoft's Windows Phone 8 being launched in US is a unique event as the world's largest software company has so far focused on putting its Windows Phone software into expensive, high-end devices - chiefly from Nokia and HTC Corp. Nokia Lumia 521m Microsoft pitches is its attempt to to offer a very high quality device in the mainstream.
The new Nokia Lumia 521 will go on sale at Walmart later this month at an unsubsidized price under $150, relatively cheap for a new phone running up-to-date software without a long-term contract.
The Nokia Lumia 521 is a 4G phone (LTE), selling elsewhere as the Nokia 520.
The Nokia Lumia 521 is a mid-range phone with some high-end features, such as four-inch touch screen, five megapixel camera and high-definition video display.
Availability of Nokia Lumia 521 in USA: The Nokia Lumia 520 will be available in US the Next week -- At less than $150 at Walmart, along with T-Mobile US Inc's $30 per month unlimited data and text plan, which works out much cheaper over the long run than heavily subsidized iPhones and upscale Android devices that generally come with pricey long-term contracts.
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