5 Tips to avoid Facebook Depression

When people are busy in festivities, they are busy somewhere else as well. Where? thinking about self, family friends, and society. You may disagree, but festivals are the times of introspection and comparisons. With the mid away from the work, such comparative studies take over.

Tips to avoid Facebook Depression
Since, social networks are major platforms of interaction these days hence much of some of these Life related comparisons go over to Social networks. Comparisons such as -- How's your first love doing in his/her life, what're your classmates able to achieve in their personal and professional lives which you didn't!... In short, instead of useful and visible interactions with your Facebook friends and acquaintances on Facebook, a person becomes more likely to what's called "Facebook lurking and trolling". That's you visit a person's Facebook profile anonymously (visit the person's profile, try to sieve out as much information about that person there; and instead of saying Hello! long time right. You simply quit the page).

With Christmas near, a new study at the University of Copenhagen conducted with 1,095 participants, most of which were women, using sites like Facebook during Christmas (Holidays extending up to the first week of new year) can be trigger depression.

A neighbor's pasture is always Green

Social media might make it easier for people to stay connected to their friends and family and even people who're remotely connected to you. But since they are a more visible form of our real society, where 'good appears Great' in the form of happy festive holiday pictures and videos, hence comparisons can trigger gloom or depression in some.

How to use Social networks such as Facebook to avoid mood swings

1. Every time you check out other people's profile, make it a habit of saying Hello (Interact) or if he/she is not your friend, then leave a friend request. It's the best option. As comparisons happen only when you know a person. So why not Interact.

2. Remember, on any Social network online or real, people present just the brighter side of their lives. Hence stop making comparisons. Who knows you may be happier than the other person.

3. Rather than thinking too much about others, introspect about your own life and what you like about it. If you don't like something about it, simply take proactive steps to change or better them. Keep a small notepad ready to write any ideas or ares you have to work on. 

4. If festivals are occasions to interact with real flesh and bone people face to face, then keeping one's online social presence to a minimum, is also a good option.

5. If you can't help comparing yourself with others and feel sad, then stop using social networks until you're ready to stop lurking and trolling people on Facebook or any other social network. But this is the last option. As socializing is part of human lives, irrespective of where you choose to do it, virtual or real.

To conclude

The link between Facebook use (and especially stacking or trolling or checking out someone anonymously) and depression is not new. In the past, some studies have also linked Facebook with depression. But more than the depression, these studies point to some people's inability to 'value for what they are'. It also points to the inability to make real Social interactions.

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