Size of Mobile Ad market in 2009

By A Bisht

Day before yesterday, we did a post on how the number of true smart phone users. (Those who use their smart phones for other purposes along with calling) is skewed towards young affluent people. Called YAU or Young Affluent Users, the true smart phone users are the ones fuelling the mobile ad spend market.

According to a Magna study, the Mobile ad market will grow at a rate of 36 percent in 2009 to reach $ 229 million.

Growth in Mobile ad market from 2006 onwards

Year__________Size of market($ million)______Year on Year Growth

2006___________________ 55

2007___________________114 __________________107 percent

2008___________________169 ___________________48 percent

2009___________________229 ___________________36 percent

2010___________________331 ___________________45 percent

2011___________________409 ___________________48 percent --------