Google Launches Free Analytics Tool for Mobile, names it Our Mobile Planet

With increasing number of people around the world turning to mobile devices to access information, communicate and connect; feeling the need to have a tool which helps organizations and individuals track trends and statistics about the way the world uses mobile devices to connect, becomes obvious.

To cater to this need, Google has recently launched a tool, named Our Mobile Planet, which is a research and analytics tool that Google provides for free.

The service which involves the research done by Google in the beginning 2011, includes information from different demographics, countries, mobile carriers, and platforms.

So if you are keen to have insights on smartphone usage, mobile attitudes; and use those to create custom charts to help you derive inferences about the mobile consumer, which will eventually help you formulate support data driven mobile strategy; then you can try the Our Mobile Planet. Considering the fact that Google is offering that amount of data for free, has surprised many, you can be one too.

From where the Google’s offered data comes from:

The data comes from research by Google, Ipsos and the Mobile Marketing Association and includes information on usage patterns and behaviors, particularly with regard to social media, search, video and email messaging. The research also includes purchasing activities and mobile shopping patterns. In addition, according to Google most of the data has been compared against traditional desktop Internet use, to provide better context.

To encourage extensive use of Data:

The Our Mobile Planet allows users to choose among data sets and manipulate these as necessary. To increase the portability of data, the tool allows the data to be exported as a PNG graphic, or as a spreadsheet in either CSV or Microsoft Excel format.

Although Google expects mostly the marketers and webmasters using the tool; other people can also get interesting information. --------

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