Top 10 hottest products of 2009 feature all consumer electronics

By A Bisht

Yahoo! Shopping, which uses its traffic and search information, has come up with the Top 10 products of 2009. And for the first time, it’s an all consumer electronics list.

Top ten hottest products of 2009:

1. Apple iPhone 3G 8GB
(Accessories for your iPhone 3G)

2. Nintendo Wii
Price and feature info

3. Sony PSP 3000
Price and feature info

4. Apple iPod Touch 32GB
Price and feature info

5. Sony PlayStation 3
Price and feature info 3

6. Nintendo Wii Fit
Price and feature info

7. Microsoft Xbox 360
Price and feature info

8. Nintendo DSi
Price and feature info

9. Apple iPod nano
Price and feature info

10. Nikon D90 camera
Price and feature info


 Three Apple products make it to the top 10.
 Game products fill six places
 Pro-grade Nikon D90 camera fills the sole place left for a non-Apple, non-gaming device. Taking the last spot.
 Pro-grade Nikon D90 camera is the most expensive product on the list, a plus $1,000 price tag. --------