What Asian moms search for on Internet

According to a study by Microsoft Advertising and Starcom MediaVest Group, mothers influence purchasing decisions ranging from household staples to cars in Asia.

The survey found that internet is a lifeline for Asian mothers, and two-thirds use it to shop for themselves and their children(with nature of online activity depending on the age of children) and an even bigger number goes online to research purchases and talk about them.

In percentage terms, 58 percent of those surveyed saying that they used online networks and online customer reviews before actually buying.

It’s not that moms in Asia were not final decision makers for any family purchase; but now they are becoming increasingly digitally savvy, and conversely, much more cynical of advertising. On average, the survey found that Asian mothers spend 17 hours a week online, and the sites they visited ranged from those offering media, such as music and video download sites, to social networks, to sites specifically catered to children. One key consideration, in their choice of sites is the ability of the sites to allow them to interact with other mothers (as they love to share their views).

Moms with older children rely on the web for email and searches.

The study interviewed about 3,000 mothers—ranging from pregnant women to mothers with teenage children in eight markets -- China, India, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan and South Korea. --------

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