In the preview, the company staged enactments of how games would be played. Those included a track and field tournament, a driving simulation in which passengers rock their bodies to toss the car into cartwheels, and a Star Wars game with enhanced control of a Jedi knight - which drew cheers.
Previously dubbed Project Natal -- Microsoft did not announce game publishers nor divulge any other details for Kinect. LucasArts is to release Star Wars titles.
Microsoft is expected to announce out details of its Kinect system at the E3 Exposition in Los Angeles this week, the annual games convention, which along with Nintendo's 3D-without-glasses platform is expected to generate the most buzz. Sony Corp will show off its competing Move motion-sensor.
The new motion sensing game system Kinect, which analysts estimate the three-camera device, which will be in stores by this holiday season for $50 to $200; allows for completely hands-free games and controlling the console with voice commands. The device is designed to appeal to casual players and newcomers who may not be aware of the product, rather than hardcore gamers, analysts said.
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