Pinterest app launched for iPad and Android; New iPhone App Update launched as well

Pinterest, one of the fastest growing social networking sites, and where pinning photos and sharing thoughts & memories is plain fun. But, Pintrest has been rather slow in spraeding itself to new devices.

Up to now Pintrest App was available for the iPhone only. But on Tuesday, Pinterest finally got with the program and announced that the release of Pinterest apps for the iPad and Android. On the same day, it also launched a new update for the iPhone app. With the launches, Pinterest, who moved away from its invitation-only model and now allows for anyone to sign up for the service, is up for the Android users' feedback.

Perfect for iPad:

An iPad Pinterest app is the most ideal environment for such a visual medium as Pinterest. Taking advantage of the iPad’s larger screen, the images appear a little bigger and with a wider grid, more photos can be seen.

Users can multi task, by just swipe the screen to resume browsing the internet. There is also an embedded browser that will let users see what other people are pinning on their own boards. The new update for the iPhone Pinterest app, also introduces a new two-column view that gives users more information onscreen.

Availability: The iPad and iPhone apps from the App Store. --------

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