Hash Tag Marketing on Twitter

By A Bisht and Mani Raj

Companies and marketers keep on inventing new methods to promote their products. Hash Tag marketing on Twitter is one such innovative marketing method, which some companies are using to a great success.

As the name suggests, hash tag marketing makes use of the hash tag microsyntax. A hash tag when prefixed in front of a particular word placed in a tweet or retweet, makes the tweet appear in the search results of the word prefixed with hashtag.

For instance take a look at the tweet below,

danrleuewis God is great #God.

As hash is prefixed to the word God, the above tweet will appear in twitter search results, every time someone searches the word God.

Companies are making use of this to get more exposure on Twitter. The modus operandi is simple: A company tells Twitter users to include a particular hash prefixed word (the company’s name, product name or whatever) in their tweets or retweets; and in return assures some free stuff to a randomly chosen few.

This way, the company gets on to the top of the Twitter trending topic lists in no time. With Twitter being a happening place for some time now, making to the top means a big exposure.

Some time ago, Squarespace used hashtag marketing to great success, and now Moonfruit is topping the Twitter trending topic list too. To make oneself worthy of getting some free stuff all one has to do is, include #squarespace or #moonfruit in his/her tweets or retweets.

To be specific; Moonfruit is giving away 10 MacBook Pros to 10 randomly chosen Twitter users who include #moonfruit in their tweets. --------